Solanum dulcamara

  • 网络欧白英;白英;千年不烂心;小癫茄;蜀羊泉
Solanum dulcamaraSolanum dulcamara
  1. Methods : The human lung cancer cell line SPC-A-1 was in vitro co-cultured with solanum dulcamara at 4 different concentrations for 24,48,72 and 96 h ;


  2. Results : The solanum dulcamara water extract inhibited proliferation of SPC-A-1 cells , and an apoptotic ladder was detected using AGE .


  3. Conclusion : A specific concentration of solanum dulcamara water extract can inhibit SPC-A-1 cell proliferation and can induce apoptosis of SPC-A-1 cells . The mechanism of action is related to expression of the bcl-2 gene .


  4. The expression of the apoptosis related gene bcl-2 after treatment with 50.0 mg / ml solanum dulcamara extract for 48h ( 24.41 % ± 2.96 ) was lower compared to untreated cells ( 53.53 % ± 4.80 )( P < 0.001 ) .
